Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NSW: Iemma and O'Farrell defend posts after poor poll

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Iemma and O'Farrell defend posts after poor poll

By Nick Ralston, State Political Reporter

SYDNEY, Feb 26 AAP - Embattled NSW Premier Morris Iemma has been forced again to defend
his position after a new poll gave him the lowest approval rating of any premier for a

But the poll also shows Opposition Leader Barry O'Farrell struggling to gain recognition
despite a scandal-ravaged government and its failures in hospitals, railways, roads and
community services.

Mr Iemma suffered a sharp drop in popular support for his leadership and Labor, while
Mr O'Farrell finished a …

Romance of good old journalism is here to stay

Johan Jaaffar
New Straits Times
Romance of good old journalism is here to stay
Byline: Johan Jaaffar
Edition: Main/Lifestyle
Section: Main Section

I LIKE to tell the story of Sher Mohammad, a 14-year-old boy soldier whom I and my two colleagues met near Jalalabad back in the spring of 1989. I did that again last Tuesday to participants of the Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) International Newspaper Conference 2011 at the National Library. Sher never went to school, never knew a library, never saw a newspaper or held a book in his hand.

He met many journalists and photographers who did not even share his religion. He had even seen some of them dead or injured. He could understand "brothers" from all over the Muslim world risking life and limb to help the Mujahidin fight the Russians and President Mohammad Najibullah's armies but journalists and photographers came for different reasons.
Sher had no way of understanding the role played by journalists and the medium they represented. Or the obligation to report what happened in war zones and catastrophes or in the world of politics, business and entertainment in times of peace. War is a nasty business and for journalists, even nastier. The war took a heavy toll on journalists and photographers. Many came as part of the job, others were seeking adventure.

I knew of a journalist from a local English daily who went to Afghanistan just for the thrill of it. He stayed on for many months, travelling and living dangerously with the Mujahidin. After all the Mujahidin were a different breed of freedom fighters, hailed even in Hollywood movies. The fact that the ragtag army of untrained fighters had humiliated the second most powerful nation on the planet, spoke volumes of the kind of people these journalists encountered. After Sept 11, 2001, with a stroke of a pen, everyone became a terrorist, Sher included, had he been alive. Those in arms are now the Taliban and they are the bad guys.

For the journalists covering Afghanistan now, portraying the Taliban as freedom fighters would not be politically correct. The stories of sufferings endured by the people of Afghanistan will never be part of broadcast news or the print media. It is almost impossible to report from the other side.

Sher didn't understand there is such a notion as a civil society. The very thrust of that society is, of course, a free press that thrives on the tenets of freedom, fairness and openness. Who is Sher to you and me? He's a nobody. But we know one thing about him: He had never heard a dialling tone, just like 70 per cent of humans in the world today. He was one of the five of the world's inhabitants who lived on less than RM2.50 a day. He was one of the 300,000 child soldiers fighting in conflicts around the world.

Boy soldiers like Sher intrigued journalists. And many more will die or get maimed reporting about Sher and his fellow fighters. Conflicts can come in different forms but journalists die all the same. According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, since 1992, 861 journalists have been killed in the field. The years 2006 and 2007 saw the worst number of casualties among them, 200, mostly in Iraq.

Journalists are supposed to report the truth as it is, whatever that means. They are supposed to take pictures not to take sides in conflicts. It is increasingly more difficult to be objective in a world where truth and lies are blur, the good and the bad are not as easily identifiable. There is no more "just war" for journalists any more.

Outside the theatre of conflicts, the demand for credibility is getting louder. Many are finding fault with journalists and the organisations they represent. There are those who believed the press was intrusive, offensive, quasi-pornographic, arrogant, inaccurate, salacious, unprincipled, you name it. Some believed the press was steadfastly becoming too elitist, too metropolitan, unashamedly partisan and controlled by unscrupulous oligopolies.

There is such a thing as the press and its discontent. There is also the talk about the "tabloiding" of the mainstream media. The spread of "tabloid news values" are dominating and affecting the once serious broadsheets. There is no freshness and ingenuity anymore. The editorial chieftains are allowing, as one famous editor once wrote, "dullness to masquerade as seriousness".

At the same time the mainstream press is facing an insurmountable problem. Advertisement is no more the river of gold in the industry even in advanced countries. In many cases, the river simply dries up. Newspapers are losing money. There are dire predictions about the future of newspapers.

Internet is a seductive medium and has proven to be both a boon and bane for newspapers. The alternative media is making inroads. Blogs are a force to be reckoned with and citizen journalists are redefining news gathering these days. The young are spending more time surfing the Net. If at all they read news, they'd rather do it online.

The Fourth Estate is crumbling, claim the naysayers. In the United States, the American Society of Newspaper Editors even cancelled its 2009 Convention because of "stress within the industry". There is understandably a lot of soul-searching in the newspaper world today.

Will the newspapers survive? The way I look at it, the demise of newspapers is certainly exaggerated, not unlike Mark Twain's purported death. While it is true, many newspapers (some venerable ones too in the US and Europe) are closing down, but newspapers as a business and as a critical tool of civil society are here to stay. The truth is the end of newspapers will signal the end of civilisation too. Perhaps there is a need for creative destruction to the industry, to jolt it out of deep slumber and complacency, or realign itself for the better. Innovate or die. Change or be changed.

No, I don't agree that 2043 will be the date of infamy where all newspapers in the US will be dead as predicted by some people. I believe the business of selling words to readers and selling readers to advertisers will in fact flourish, albeit with some adjustments.

Believe me, the First Amendment in the case of the US, and for the rest of us, creating a truly civil society hinges on the survival of the good old newspapers. And the men and women who are willing to die to bring Sher's story and millions of others like him to the readers.

There is still the romance of good old journalism in impermanent times.

(Copyright 2011)

NSW:Sydney man charged over 'torch' stun gun

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW:Sydney man charged over 'torch' stun gun

SYDNEY, Aug 27 AAP - A man will face court after a range of weapons, including a stun
gun disguised as a torch, were found at a unit on Sydney's north shore.

Police were called to the unit in Crows Nest after receiving reports that a man had
been assaulted last Saturday just past midnight.

A crime scene was established and police allegedly located and seized a stun gun that
was disguised as a torch.

By noon, police has raided the unit and found cash, a loaded single-barrel shortened
shotgun and ammunition.

The occupants were not home at the time of the raid but on Friday a 28-year-old man was arrested.

He was charged with possess prohibited weapon, recklessly deal with proceeds of crime,
possess unauthorised firearm, possess shortened firearm without authority, and possess
ammunition without authority.

He was refused bail and is due to appear in Central Local Court on October 25.

AAP lxs/jjs/it


� 2011 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Research and Markets Adds Report: Ukraine Telecom Regulation Environment 2010, Plans for 2011

Wireless News
Research and Markets Adds Report: Ukraine Telecom Regulation Environment 2010, Plans for 2011
Type: News

Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Ukraine Telecom Regulation Environment 2010, Plans for 2011" report to its offerings.

In a release, Research and Markets noted that report highlights include:
Telecom Regulation Environment in Ukraine is a study that examines regulatory framework of telecom market in Ukraine, as well as remaining legal barriers to fair market competition and development. In 2010 Ukraine saw quite a substantial growth of mobile and fixed internet revenues and subscribers number. The other sector with quick growth was TV Broadcasting.

In order to tackle the increasing demand for mobile data and mobile broadband as well as higher fixed broadband capacity, the national regulator, has taken a number of recent measures to free up spectrum for 3G exploitation, but still the issue of conversion of those radio frequencies is vital and needs to be considered in coming 2011 year. During 2010 the key CDMA operators took part in legal proceeding tied to the licensing activity on prospective frequencies distribution of CDMA-800 and 1900 MHz frequency band. Those frequencies could substantially broaden the mobile broadband capacities and attract investors to it.

Report information: ukraine_telecom

((Comments on this story may be sent to

Copyright 2011 Close-Up Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

FED:Strategy aims to reduce road toll by 30%

AAP General News (Australia)
FED:Strategy aims to reduce road toll by 30%

CANBERRA, Dec 1 AAP - A new national road safety strategy aims to reduce deaths and
serious injuries by 30 per cent within 10 years.

The National Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020 has been released by the Australian Transport

The report says all new road projects must be designed to reduce the risk of crashes.

It also proposes a graduated licensing scheme so that new drivers are restricted on
the number of passengers they can carry.

It calls for a national information campaign about the safety benefits of appropriate
travel speeds as well as an investigation into ways to encourage people to buy newer and
safer cars.

The report says although Australia has achieved substantial reductions in road crash
fatalities over the past 30 years, it needs to take measures to reduce death and injuries
even further.

"The draft strategy makes the point that Australians should not regard death and injury
as an inevitable cost of road travel," the Parliamentary Secretary for Infrastructure
and Transport, Catherine King, said in a statement.

Ms King said all road users play a crucial role in helping to reduce road accidents
and road trauma.

The report has been designed so that anybody can respond to it and offer an opinion.

"It is time to have a national conversation about road safety," Ms King said.

"Everyone can provide input on the draft."

AAP ms/sb/jhp


� 2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

WA: Albany service above where first troop convoy assembled

AAP General News (Australia)
WA: Albany service above where first troop convoy assembled

On a hilltop overlooking waters where the first convoy assembled to take diggers to
the Great War .. thousands of residents of the West Australian city of Albany gathered
for the Anzac Day dawn service.

The service holds extra significance for the people of Albany because the city .. in
WA's south .. lays claim to holding the first dawn service in Australia, on April 25 ..


Eighty years on .. Albany residents gathered in the dark at the Desert Mounted Corps
Memorial near the top of Mount Clarence for the 5.30am (WST) service.

After the laying of the wreaths under the corps statue of diggers and horses .. the
crowd was asked to look out onto King George Sound where a flare went up to mark the laying
of a wreath upon the waters.

AAP RTV ldj/klw


� 2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: Private medical school turns out first doctors

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Private medical school turns out first doctors

By Tony Bartlett

GOLD COAST, Dec 11 AAP - The first batch of doctors to graduate from Australia's first
private medical school, Bond University on the Gold Coast, will start work next month
in 25 hospitals across four states.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Robert Stable says it's a milestone for Australia's health system.

Prof Stable said the foundation cohort from the medical school will help ease the nationwide
shortage of doctors when they take up internships from January.

"Bond's intense teaching schedule develops our students into world ready doctors in
under five years," he said.

The university said that's more than two years earlier than some other medical schools.

"These students will help address the shortage of doctors in the health system, which
has the challenge of dealing with an ageing population and the increase in chronic diseases
mainly due to lifestyle issues," Prof Stable said.

The 56 new doctors have been accepted for internships at hospitals including Royal
Brisbane and Womens, Princess Alexandra, and Mater Public in Brisbane, Royal Melbourne
and St Vincent's in Melbourne, Bankstown, Concord and Westmead in Sydney, and Royal Adelaide.

Because of the level of practical clinical work and small teacher to student ratios,
only one in seven applicants for the 2009 course were accepted through the university's
selection process.

Valedictorian Madeline Spooner said exposure to the real medical environment provided
students with great opportunities.

"We had a lot of one-on-one time with consultants, so by the time we actually got to
our clinical placements we were well-versed in communication and clinical reasoning skills,"

she said.

"There's certainly been a lot of interest in our class going through and I think the
medical fraternity will be impressed when we start internships next month."

AAP bart/pjo/mmr


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Qld: Labor steps up challenge to LNP on business fundraisers

AAP General News (Australia)
Qld: Labor steps up challenge to LNP on business fundraisers

(Eds: Takes in ke Fundraiser)

By Gabrielle Dunlevy

BRISBANE, Aug 3 AAP - A list of companies that attended this year's Queensland Labor
Party conference has been released, and Premier Anna Bligh has challenged the opposition
to do the same.

Ms Bligh, who has already called on the opposition to match her ban on fundraising
dinners, said the Liberal National Party (LNP) should prove its commitment to transparency
and reveal the business observers who attended its July state conference.

She also called on former opposition leader Lawrence Springborg to release the guest
list from a $20,000 a head fundraising dinner held in March, believed to be the most expensive
in the state's history.

The ALP list released on Monday only named the companies, which included AGL, Allianz
Australia Insurance, Coles Myer Limited, CSR Limited, Hawker Britton, John Holland Pty,
Leighton Contractors, and Woolworths Limited.

Asked to release the details of other Labor functions, Ms Bligh said she was "happy
to look at that".

"All sides of politics have to pull their weight, and that means the LNP has to step
up to the plate," the premier told reporters in Brisbane on Monday.

"We can only debate this publicly if we have full transparency."

Opposition Leader John-Paul Langbroek said he supported a more "methodical" approach
to the reforms.

"If Anna Bligh wants to rule out taking any more money from unions, then I'm happy
in a bipartisan way to sit down with her and see how we can stop this perception of cash
for contact," Mr Langbroek told reporters.

One of three federal ALP presidents, Ms Bligh has urged all levels and all sides of
politics to consider banning fundraising functions with business, a move she announced
for Queensland Labor MPs on Sunday.

Federal Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull agreed it had to be done across all levels
of government, but questioned Ms Bligh's timing.

"You can have Anna Bligh suddenly getting religion ... but if they're serious, they
(Labor) know there is a leader of the opposition who is passionately committed, and has
been for many years, to root and branch campaign finance reform," Mr Turnbull told reporters
on the Gold Coast.

Meanwhile, Ms Bligh defended two ministers accused of failing to declare dealings over
a controversial $1.5 billion resort development.

Infrastructure and Planning Minister Stirling Hinchliffe and Local Government Minister
Desley Boyle reportedly kept a 2005 meeting about a Sunshine Coast development secret.

There are also claims the premier's chief-of-staff Mike Kaiser is linked to the same
development, called Rainbow Shores at Inskip Point on the Fraser Coast, north of Brisbane.

Ms Bligh defended the ministers, saying Mr Hinchliffe told parliament of his involvement
in the project when elevated to the ministry this year and would not be present when cabinet
made a decision on the proposal.

Mr Langbroek said he hadn't asked his MPs if they had any links with lobbyists, but
welcomed any investigation.

"I just make the point, without having to ask them, that everything had better be okay
because unlike the Labor side, we'll make sure they're not staying in our team," he said.

AAP gd/pjo/jfm/jlw


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: New legislation to govern funeral industry

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: New legislation to govern funeral industry

SYDNEY, Feb 1 AAP - Consumer concerns about the practices of funeral directors have
prompted new legislation to govern the NSW industry, including requirements for itemised

The Fair Trading Amendment (Funeral Goods and Services) Regulation 2008 officially
came into place on Sunday and aims to ease the burden on bereaved families and people
wishing to plan their own funeral, the NSW government said.

The laws mean directors must explain the cost and inclusions of a basic funeral, and
provide consumers with an itemised final statement or invoice of the goods and services
provided prior to payment.

"The last thing families need as they cope with the loss of a loved one is confusion
over the costs involved in arranging a funeral," Fair Trading Minister Virginia Judge
said in a statement.

"Similarly, people who would like to pre-arrange funerals will be able to compare prices
and know exactly what goods and services will be provided."

Ms Judge said the new legislation follows findings showing that consumers were: not
receiving written quotes or itemised invoices; confused about the funeral director's professional
fee; and were uncertain about what is included in a service.

AAP ad/jpm/jm


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

A kaleidoscopic slide show REVIEW

David Pogue The New York Times Media Group
International Herald Tribune
A kaleidoscopic slide show REVIEW
Byline: David Pogue The New York Times Media Group
Edition: 3

How do you describe a place? How do you express its essence to people who aren't there?

You use the best technology you have available.
In the beginning, there was the printed word ("Dear Queen Isabella: You gotta see this place!"). Then there was audio ("My God, it's full of stars!"). Eventually, photos ("That's us in Hawaii. Or is it Cape Cod?").

This week, Microsoft introduced yet another way to represent a place: Photosynth. This sophisticated technology does a simple thing. It turns a bunch of overlapping photos into a 3-D panorama.

The result, called a photosynth, is a little bit like a virtual world. You can move sideways, up or down into neighboring photos. You can turn around to look behind you. And at any time, you can zoom forward incredibly far into a photo, since it retains all of its original, multi-megapixel resolution.

Creating a photosynth is free and automatic. All you do is go to, click to install the necessary Web-browser plug- in and start uploading your photos. (You need a Windows PC and either Internet Explorer or Firefox 3. A Mac version is under development.)

Photosynth is brought to you by a 15-person team at Microsoft Research, a division of Microsoft whose projects aren't expected to generate income. This team hopes that the popularity of Photosynth will explode, that it will actually become a new medium. In fact, someday Microsoft hopes to design a way to connect these photosynths, eventually building a complete photographic, navigable, digital version of our real world.

In the meantime, Photosynth is a great way to visit a place before you go there, to remember a place after you've been there, or to show your inner sanctum to the whole world. It's also great for museums, galleries, and anyplace else where extremely close-up inspection by the masses would be desirable, but not otherwise practical. And it doesn't take much imagination to see how Photosynth might appeal to real estate agents.

In a Photosynth demonstration at the annual Technology, Entertainment, Design, or TED, conference last year, the presenter impressed the crowd with a photosynth of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, made up of photos mined from Flickr. In other words, Microsoft had created a seamless, successful photosynth using hundreds of existing photos, taken by different people at different times using all kinds of cameras.

That, frankly, is a far more amazing prospect than what Photosynth is today. If using existing Web photos were an option, you could have a substantial amount of the world photosynthed already.

But for technical and legal reasons, Microsoft has backed away from that approach. Now you have to take the pictures yourself, expressly for the purpose of photosynthing.

You have to take lots and lots of overlapping pictures. Ideally, every inch of the room or space should be included in at least three photos. Stand at each corner of the room and sweep the interior, snapping away; then repeat while standing against the wall. Stand on chairs, walk to a new spot, walk up close to interesting objects.

Eventually, your photosynth will be given a "synthiness" score, meaning the degree of recognizable overlap. The synthiness determines how seamlessly your 3-D panorama flows from view to view. You can also walk completely around a stationary object, taking at least 24 photos. Later, you'll be able to examine that object online by rotating it using a doughnut-shaped scroll bar.

Once you've transferred the photos to your PC, you sign in to Photosynth and click the Create Photosynth button. Technically, your PC, not the Web site, does the massive number crunching necessary to figure out how all of these photos relate to each other, so the speed of the analysis-and-uploading process depends on your computer's horsepower.

When it's all over, your photosynth is live on the Web, visible for all to see.

It's amazing how the software figures out how your photos fit together, even though they're taken at different angles, zoom amounts, exposures and so on.

It's also amazing how, when you're exploring the resulting photosynth, the full resolution of the original photos is available. You can zoom in, and in, and in, revealing more and more detail along the way. In one example on the Photosynth site, you start in the marbled gallery of the National Archives building in Washington - and you can zoom all the way in to the words "We the People" on the Constitution in its display case.

This is one major difference between Photosynth and QuickTime VR, the Apple technology that has been around for years. You can zoom in slightly in a QuickTime scene, but you can't fly nearly infinitely into one of the component photos. There are other differences: Making a QuickTime VR scene requires a special, 360-degree tripod apparatus and commercial software. And a QuickTime VR scene is rooted to one spot; you can't freely walk through a space, as you can with Photosynth.)

So yes, it's amazing. But in its current version ("beta, or 1.0, or whatever you want to call it," as the Web site puts it), Photosynth is also very frustrating.

It's frustrating to create a photosynth, because there's no easy way to track whether, in fact, you've covered every inch of your space in three different photos. You pretty much don't know that you've failed until you've uploaded all the pictures and discovered blank spots or clumps of detached photos.

It's also incredibly frustrating to navigate a photosynth. There are three ways to move around in your 3-D space: drag or click the mouse, use the arrow keys or press letter keys. But depending on the photosynth itself, what you press may not be what you get. If you press the up-arrow key, hoping to look upward, you may suddenly find yourself teleported to a totally different part of the room. That can happen, Microsoft explains, if that other photo is the only one showing a patch of ceiling. Well, fine, but it's totally disorienting.

At other times, you might want to scroll to the right, where you know there's another, overlapping photo - but all you get is black space and a bunch of white, dusty pixels known as the "point cloud." That's because Microsoft has decided that once you're zoomed in to a photo enough that it fills the screen, you can't scroll to any other photo until you zoom back out. Frustrating.

These annoyances add up to the most frustrating thing of all: Photosynth's photocentric nature. I've probably made it sound as though a photosynth gives you a seamless virtual environment, but it's really not that; the component photos very much retain their "photoness." You see their outlines flicker into view as you move your mouse around a scene. Photos aren't actually knit together; one just fades into the next.

Finally, only one photo is ever in sharp focus at a time; neighboring photos are blurred and dimmed, which thoroughly destroys the illusion of being in a virtual space.

Even so, Photosynth is wicked cool, and it will find all kinds of new uses. At the very least, it marks another milestone in the evolution of place-description technologies. Until someone comes up with brain-to-brain image sharing, that will have to do.

(Copyright 2008)

SA: Shop assistants support plastic bag ban

AAP General News (Australia)
SA: Shop assistants support plastic bag ban

ADELAIDE, April 16 AAP - Shop assistants in South Australia support a ban on single
use plastic bags, due to come into force in 2009.

The state government said 75 per cent of shop assistants surveyed recently were in
favour of the ban and 98 per cent believed the bags were a pollution problem.

The government conducted the survey to identity any potential occupational health and
safety issues following the ban on the bags, including changes to check-out areas to minimise
heavy lifting.

Environment Minister Gail Gago said the government wanted to protect shop assistants
from risks associated with over-filling reusable bags or handling unhygienic bags.

"The vast majority of shoppers do the right thing and we should all be considerate
of shop assistants' daily experiences," Ms Gago said.

"I endorse any business promoting its right to refuse to pack any grubby, unpleasant
or hazardous reusable bags or to overload them with weighty items."

The minister said the government had already foreshadowed an education campaign targeting
the community, the retail sector and shop assistants to balance potential implications.

However, she said the government was determined to press ahead with the ban to rid
South Australia of an "environmental scourge".

"Our ban could see almost 400 million less plastic bags entering the SA waste and litter
streams every year," she said.

Announcing SA's ban last month, Premier Mike Rann said while the federal government
was considering such a move, it was time for the state to lead by example.

"We started the anti-plastic bag fight and we're pushing ahead regardless of whether
a nationally consistent approach is agreed to in the meantime," Mr Rann said.

AAP tjd/jm/bwl


2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Rural NSW waste facility to impact local area: court told

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Rural NSW waste facility to impact local area: court told

A court hearing to determine the impact of a waste facility .. proposed for central-western
New South Wales .. continues in Sydney today.

In the Land and Environment Court yesterday .. lawyers debated the impact the Hub Regional
Resource Reprocessing Facility will have on local land .. in an estimated 40 years.

The joint landfill project of Orange City and Cabonne Councils was approved by Planning
Minister FRANK SARTOR in January.

The Hub Action Group has challenged the approval .. saying the facility will increase
traffic and damage agricultural land.

TIM ROBERTSON SC .. for Orange City Council .. has argued the land is already unviable
for cultivating crops .. according to a report prepared on behalf of all parties.

But the report's authors .. agricultural experts BASIL BALDWIN and RICHARD IVEY ..

have denied that claim.

Mr IVEY says the fact the site hasn't been used for crop growing for years .. doesn't
reflect on its ability to do so.

AAP RTV cj/hn/tm/wf/crh


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: Rudd scores wins on IR, uranium

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Rudd scores wins on IR, uranium

By Maria Hawthorne, Sandra O'Malley and Belinda Tasker

SYDNEY, April 28 AAP - Kevin Rudd stamped his authority on federal Labor today, narrowly
winning support for policy changes on uranium mining and industrial relations at the party's
national conference.

Losses on either issue would have seriously damaged Mr Rudd's fledgling leadership
just months out from the federal election.

In the end, the industrial relations policy was passed unanimously without debate,
while the Rudd camp won the uranium vote by just 15 of the 400 votes after 90 minutes
of passionate debate.

Both Mr Rudd's environment spokesmen - Anthony Albanese and Peter Garrett - spoke against
scrapping the no new mines policy to allow uranium mining to be expanded.

But union boss and incoming Labor MP Bill Shorten summed up the mood when he urged
delegates to back Mr Rudd.

"If you think that rolling the leader is a great idea then go ahead and vote for the
Albanese-Garrett amendment," Mr Shorten told the conference.

"At some point the head's got to kick in along with the heart."

Mr Rudd said he recognised that states and territories would take their own decisions
on whether to approve new mines.

"The challenge is as we debate this amendment to recognise the reality that around
the world there are so many economies who do not have and possess the rich range of energy
options which we in this country have at our disposal," he said.

"We have been supplying uranium to them for many years and this amendment seeks to
recognise that reality into the years ahead."

Mr Rudd also won support for his industrial relations policies despite union anger
at the decision to outlaw most strike action.

Unionists said while they did not agree with the whole policy, they could put aside
their differences for the greater good.

Electrical Trades Union branch secretary Dean Mighell said that for example, he did
not agree with Mr Rudd that Prime Minister John Howard was a clever politician.

"I describe him as an anti-union bastard of the last generation and a skidmark on the
bedsheet of Australian politics," Mr Mighell told the conference.

Under the slogan Fresh Thinking, Mr Rudd has used the conference to portray Mr Howard
as arrogant, out of touch and desperate to hang on to power.

But Mr Howard and Treasurer Peter Costello dismissed the claims.

"His name is Kevin and he comes from Queensland, and he's a menace to the economy,"

Mr Costello told the Victorian Liberal conference, mocking Mr Rudd's opening line to the
Labor conference yesterday.

Mr Howard said there was nothing fresh in anything that had come out of the Labor conference
so far.

"The way they talk about debates at these ALP conferences is a little bit (like) ...

how they used to talk about elections in the old communist Russia," he said.

"You know, they use to line up and cast their ballots, and they say surprise surprise,
Nikita Khrushchev got re-elected.

"Let me tell you, Mr Rudd will win the debate, of course he will, they can't do anything
else. They'll deliver him a victory on uranium mining. But in the modern world it's all
irrelevant. We resolved this more than 25 years ago."

AAP mfh/cjh/mn


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: The Xmas-New Year road toll climbs to 34

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: The Xmas-New Year road toll climbs to 34

The national road toll for the Christmas-New Year period has jumped to 34.

In the last 24 hours there have been two deaths in separate accidents in New South
Wales .. and one in Queensland.

A 34-year-old man died after a car he was travelling in lost control on the bend of
a road and hit a tree at Wolffdene south of Brisbane last night.

In New South Wales .. a horror smash has burnt a driver beyond recognition.

The car burst into flames after crashing into a tree on the Olympic Highway at Junee
early yesterday afternoon.

And a 23-year-old provisional male motorcyclist was killed after colliding with a four-wheel
drive at North Parramatta yesterday evening.

Twelve people have been killed on New South Wales roads during the holiday road toll period.

Eight people have died in both Victoria and Queensland.

Two people have died in Western Australia .. Tasmania .. and South Australia.

(Eds: National road toll figures are for the period 0001 December 22 to 2359 January
5. Some states and territories have different periods.)

AAP RTV jvb/ajc/psm/cp/els/


2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: PM says states not interest rates to blame for house costs

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: PM says states not interest rates to blame for house costs

JOHN HOWARD says state governments .. not rising interest rates .. are to blame for
the increase in housing costs.

The prime minister says outgoing Reserve Bank governor IAN MCFARLANE has made the point
that the cost of land is the main problem .. and that's gone up seven-fold in two decades.

He's told ABC Radio the high cost of housing .. is down to the failure of state governments
to release enough land to meet demand.

AAP RTV mb/maur/jmt


) 2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: New immigration laws not a concession to Indonesia - Howard =2

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: New immigration laws not a concession to Indonesia - Howard =2

Indonesia has temporarily recalled its ambassador, its companies are threatening to
boycott Australian goods, and a host of prominent Australians have been named on a blacklist
of Papuan separatist supporters.

"I want Australia and Indonesia to be very close," Mr Howard said.

"There will continue to be debate about human rights issues in Papua.

"We're trying to balance these things and balance them very carefully."

Mr Howard said the new laws were "designed to regularise our policy in this area".

"Claims for refugee status will continue to be assessed according to our international
obligations," the prime minister said.

"We're going to increase our capacity to patrol our northern waters to collect any
unauthorised arrivals."

AAP ag/smb/lma/jlw


2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Fed: Sheikh takes out annual award for sexist comments

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Sheikh takes out annual award for sexist comments

Sydney sheikh FEIZ MOHAMMAD has taken out this year's Gold Ernie for the most sexist
comments of the past 12 months.

The four hundred women attending the event at New South Wales Parliament House last
night decided that MOHAMMAD'S comments about rape victims deserved the award.

The sheikh told an audience at the Bankstown Town Hall in March that a rape victim
has no one to blame but herself if she appeals to the carnal nature of men by wearing
nothing but satanic skirts.

Author COLLEEN MCCULLOUGH won the Elaine, the award for a woman making a sexist remark,
for her comments on the Pitcairn Island rape trials.

She said it was Polynesian tradition to break their girls in at 12.

Other Ernie winners this year included federal Education Minister BRENDAN NELSON and
New South Wales Bar Association president IAN HARRISON, SC.

AAP RTV ved/ka/wf/rt


2005 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

venture capital

venture capital Capital whose owners are willing to invest in new or small businesses, where the risk of losing it is high. Venture capital is necessary if people without sufficient capital of their own are to be able to start new businesses.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


One of the most talked-about developments in publishing in 2010 was News International putting its general news and interest titles behind a paywall ( 1 July 2010). Rupert Murdoch's vision has changed the issue of paid content from black-and-white to shades of grey. It's no longer about whether users will pay, but how. Publishers have realised the concept of users paying for digital content is valid. This growing acceptance is sparking a range of disparate strategies exploring appetite for paid content through wildly varying app, pricing, loyalty scheme and subscription models, all of which serve individual publishers' strengths but confuse users and, overall, weaken the industry.

If paid content is to work, then cohesion is needed. Next year could see collective action towards the development of a universal payment platform. The alternative is the continuing fragmentation and divergence of content owners.

But 2011 will bring more than just a growing need for unity on paid content; privacy around data collection is a particularly acute issue. Imminent EU legislation and interpretation of privacy is likely to demand some form of consumer consent and opt-in, forcing a shift from behavioural data to a census alternative.

With mounting pressure on publishers to know their digital audience as much as possible, as ad premiums hinge on clever audience segmentation, it's no surprise they've started reasserting the value of their premium brand over direct response competitors. However, committing to the premium brand ad route will require them to have deeper relationships with, and possibly depend on, advertisers looking for unprecedented access to editorial schedules, exclusive launches and opportunities for content creation.

There's also new territory to conquer: the traditional ground of broadcasters. With TV integrating with the internet in such an advanced way, publishers will face even more competitors.

Tim Brooks MD, Guardian News & Media

All print publishers are at different stages of a journey from being a purely print business to becoming a digital business. What's common to all is that the pace of change is very high and only continues to increase.

Publishers have to learn and hire new skills as some of the technical challenges we face are new to everyone in the sector. Apps, for example, are complex creatures, particularly if you're serving content dynamically. At the moment there's a huge amount of experimentation and no one has the answers to how content-based companies can make a business out of digital media. The beauty is that everyone learns from those experiments.

One of the trends this year has been the amazing popularity of 'now', or live blogging. There's something about the immediacy that the web can bring that's appealing to people, and that's exactly the opposite of a PDF-style closed app. We constantly wrestle with the tension between completeness and openness.

Where advertising is concerned, you can't ignore Facebook. A lot of advertisers are now using it in all sorts of experimental ways. My hope is it'll be a catalyst for everyone in the ad community to better understand how to be effective in online advertising. Ads online are all about the relevance to the environment they're in but also to the consumer. I believe we're heading into a world where you'll get to choose the kinds of ads you want to see.

The way that mobile traffic is exploding is extraordinary. Our site traffic is growing at double-digit rate annually but our mobile site is growing at a triple-digit rate. One of our key software guys went to Silicon Valley in the summer. One of the questions I'd asked him to ask people was why we should be prioritising mobile development. One of the guys who runs Twitter gave a one-word answer: "Duh." Mobile is now, it really is.

Tim Faircliff Chairman, AOP; general manager of consumer media, Thomson Reuters

I would hope that in 2011 publishers will no longer be debating the relative importance of mobile as a channel but be figuring out what they're going to do about it. Having a plan for mobile won't ensure success, but not having one is a guarantee of failure.

There are now four times the number of mobile devices than PCs worldwide, and they're used by all generations too. Mobile web use and smartphone penetration are changing the way people live and work. It's not necessarily a goldrush for application build, but a smarter way of using the mobile platform to ensure audiences get focused, single interactions that are appropriate for the space and place they're in. With GPS tracking, augmented reality and barcode technology now on- stream, the space is open to experimentation and execution.

Publishing organisations need to ensure they have a mobile champion so that mobile isn't kept in a silo. They'll need to capture the attention of audiences with engaging, entertaining, practical and time-saving personal, relevant services. In 2011, I expect a response from publishers to the way their audiences are using these technologies. At the AOP, we intend to keep this at the top of our agenda for members through our expanded forums and conference agendas.

I would look to publishers, clients and agencies to ensure these solutions are front of mind as web publishing takes on an ever increasing personal, social and mobile slant in 2011. It's also a fun medium and it would be good to make some real money from it too.

Copyright: Centaur Communications Ltd. and licensors

Sign for AC Milan.

Football fans can net themselves a meeting with one of the world's most famous players. Adidas, the official partner of AC Milan football club, has announced a competition that will see five lucky fans meet international soccer star Kaka when he comes to Dubai for a match against Hamburg in January. As well as meeting the 2007 FIFA World player of the Year, the once in a lifetime opportunity will also see fans meet other players from the Italian super club in an exclusive meet and greet session. By purchasing one item from the latest AC Milan collection at an Adidas store and filling in a few details, the public are entered into a draw to meet the team. Football fans who simply want to show their support for AC Milan can sign a large AC Milan jersey on display in participating Adidas stores, and possibly win an autographed AC Milan jersey.

2007 Al Sidra Media LLC

Provided by an company

ITA to train 920 people in Dhofar.

Salalah: Information Technology Authority (ITA) has signed an agreement with institutes in Dhofar and Al Wafa Voluntary Social Centre in the Wilayat of Mirbat for training citizens on basics of computer and Internet.

As part of this programme, ITA will train about 920 people in nine wilayats in the governorate during the period of the festival.

As part of this project, ITA has recently opened 10 knowledge community centres that serve all individuals of the community for learning computer and Internet in the Wilayats of Bausher, Sur, Sohar, Salalah, Nizwa, Bediyah, Al Khabourah, Khasab, Al Amerat and Ibri, in addition to nine women centres.

These training programmes aim at raising digital awareness among individuals of the community and providing the trainees with computer and Internet fundamental skills, in addition to an introduction to governmental services being rendered by the official portal of e-government services.

Salalah Tourism Festival

The agreement was signed as part of ITA s participation in Salalah Tourism Festival 2011.

The agreement was signed in continuation of the project of training and rehabilitating the community on Information Technology.

The agreement was signed from ITA side by Talal bin Sulaiman Al Rahbi, ITA Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

In all, 2,933 male and female trainees were trained during 2009 and 4,229 were trained in 2010 while the total number of trainees in the Information Technology training programme hit 12,000

till now.

ITA is set up by the Royal Decree 52/2006 promulgated on the 31st May 2006. ITA is responsible for implementing national

IT infrastructure projects and supervising all projects related to implementation of the Digital Oman Strategy while providing professional leadership to various other e-Governance initiatives of the Sultanate.

ITA serves as a competency center on best practices in e-Governance and in harnessing Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), thereby offering efficient and timely services, integrating processes and improving efficiency in service delivery.

ITA undertakes several projects to increase technology penetration and empower its people with required digital literacy and higher levels of competence through training and innovation centre. -ONA

Muscat Press and Publishing House SAOC 2011

Provided by an company

MetaProducts Corp. debuted its MetaProducts Offline Browser (MOB).(PRODUCT NEWS)

MetaProducts Corp. debuted its MetaProducts Offline Browser (MOB), a utility that adds offline site archiving features to several popular browsers, including Internet Explorer and Firefox. MOB adds a toolbar to a user's browser for one-click site archival without complex configuration options. Users can also review past downloads and change settings through a small dialog window. MOB also includes a wizard to help users configure tasks and a scheduler for automating future downloads. Source: MetaProducts Corp. (

WeFi Issues Quarterly Data Report on Global Wi-Fi Usage.

WeFi Inc., creator of a global Wi-Fi database and provider of the WeANDSF Wi-Fi offloading solution for carriers, announced that it released its latest quarterly report on global Wi-Fi usage.

According to a release, titled "WeFi Analytics Report Q1/2011: An Analysis of Global Wi-Fi", the report includes both statistics and analysis from WeFi on a variety of issues related to wireless internet, including statistics on Wi-Fi and 3G usage over various mobile devices and operating systems, cellular data offloading unto Wi-Fi networks, average duration of use over public Wi-Fi hotspots, Wi-Fi internet usage mobility, and more. The report points out interesting trends in Wi-Fi usage, one example being the growth of Samsung Android-based handsets and tablets.

The report covers data usage over laptops, netbooks, and mobile devices using Android or Symbian operating systems (see more information about platforms in the report). The data - available solely through WeFi - is based on information gathered from over 90 million Wi-Fi access points in WeFi's database of hotspots around the world. WeFi acquires the Wi-Fi access point data and cellular usage metrics by aggregating the connectivity data from over 6 million mobile devices and laptops where the WeFi client software is installed.

More Information:

((Comments on this story may be sent to

Red Cross targets youth with holiday social media effort.(DIGITAL MEDIA)

A HOLIDAY digital campaign dubbed "Why the heck should I give to the Red Cross?" played off of an internet meme to raise awareness of the charity among younger people.

The campaign, by Razorfish, is aimed at youth and "digital natives," in particular, and takes its name from the "What the heck should I make for dinner?" and "What the heck has Obama done so far?" phenomena, which blazed through millions of Tweets and Facebook status updates earlier this year (generally with a more ribald phrasing). The microsite,al, offers Tweet-worthy factoids about the group's work in the US that viewers can post to their Facebook or Twitter feeds.

"Most people think of the Red Cross as helping in times of disaster," said Amy Vickers, SVP, strategy at Razorfish. "They don't realize that the Red Cross shows up locally, following home (ires." And young people often have greater awareness of newer, buzzier charities than they do of larger and older service organizations like the Red Cross.


In addition to the micro-site, which is embedded on the homepages of many of the group's 500-plus local chapters in the US, Razorhsh created a "Twibbon" graphic featuring the American Red Cross icon that people can post.

"We're finding people clicking through a lot in search of the thing that resonates with them, and then Tweeting that," said Vickers.

Cat people, for example, went gaga for one tidbit about an Oregon cat that was honored as a hero by the local Red Cross chapter for rousting his owners from bed and saving them from a house fire. There are hundreds more to choose from, many highlighting the work of local chapters.

The campaign ran through January.--MA

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Regal Entertainment Group Announces Timing of Fiscal First Quarter 2011 Earnings Release and Conference Call.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. -- Regal Entertainment Group (NYSE: RGC), a leading motion picture exhibitor owning and operating the largest theatre circuit in the United States, today announced it will release fiscal first quarter 2011 results on Thursday, April 28, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time and hold a conference call at 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time. Interested parties can listen to the call live on the Internet or by phone.

Internet: Phone (Domestic): 877-407-0778 Phone (International): 201-689-8565

Please dial in to the call at least 5 - 10 minutes prior to the start of the call or go to the Web site at least 15 minutes prior to the call to download and install any necessary audio software. When prompted, ask for the Regal Entertainment Group conference call.

A replay of the call will be available beginning approximately two hours following the call. Those interested in listening to the replay of the conference call should dial 877-660-6853 (Domestic) or 201-612-7415 (International) and enter account #286 and conference call ID #360937.

In addition, this press release and other pertinent statistical and financial information are available in the investor relations section of the Company's Web site: This call is being webcast and can be accessed at Regal Entertainment Group's Web site at

About Regal Entertainment Group: Regal Entertainment Group (NYSE: RGC) is the largest motion picture exhibitor in the United States. The Company's theatre circuit, comprising Regal Cinemas, United Artists Theatres and Edwards Theatres, operates 6,670 screens in 535 locations in 37 states and the District of Columbia. Regal operates theatres in 43 of the top 50 U.S. designated market areas. We believe that the size, reach and quality of the Company's theatre circuit not only provide its patrons with a convenient and enjoyable movie-going experience, but is also an exceptional platform to realize economies of scale in theatre operations.

Additional information is available on the Company's Web site at

Basis Audionet to Feature Communications Client at INTERNET TELEPHONY(R) Conference & EXPO West 2008 in Los Angeles.

HAMBURG, Germany -- Basis Audionet today announced it will have the latest version of its Communications Client on display at TMC's INTERNET TELEPHONY([R]) Conference & EXPO West 2008, September 16-18, 2008, booth 533, at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Los Angeles, California (

INTERNET TELEPHONY Conference & EXPO is the world's largest and best-attended IP Communications trade show. At the 2007 west coast event last September, the show drew over 7,000 buyers and sellers of IP Communications products and services. The show in September will be the 18th INTERNET TELEPHONY Conference & EXPO, and TMC projects total attendance to once again exceed 7,000.

"Basis Audionet's participation at INTERNET TELEPHONY([R]) Conference & EXPO exemplifies why this show is widely recognized as the #1 venue where service providers, enterprises, government agencies, developers and resellers gather to learn about the benefits inherent in IP Communications products and services," said Rich Tehrani, TMC President. "The evolution in this industry has been monumental and it still continues to grow. We are proud to have Basis Audionet and its Communications Client as a key part of this year's program."

The Communications Client is the latest soft-client application from Basis Audionet allowing users to experience a whole new dimension of online communication. Driven by intuitive user interface, the Communications Client combines VoIP and Video telephony, Instant Messaging and many more in a single portable application.

This new soft-client makes communication as easy as it should be: it incorporates https-tunneling to provide seamless user functionality independent of access technology and common network firewall settings. Thus, allows their new soft-client to be used in virtually any IP network environment, ranging from enterprise to residential to internet cafe, creating value and cost savings made possible by enabling real-time audio and video communications.

Ideally suited for carriers, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), Resellers, MSOs and providers of social networking communities, this exciting new way of communications will offer an additional revenue stream while increasing customer retention for the provider.

In addition to its extensive range of call, contact, instant messaging and presence management features, the Communications Client includes even more components such as:

* Zero-touch configuration

* HTTPs tunneling technology

* Advertising server integration

* Web based Self Care Portal

"Again Basis Audionet sets high standards in IP communications," says Rudiger Kaun, CEO of Basis Audionet. "With the new soft-client we introduce another innovative, leading-edge product offering a range of embedded, value-added applications. The software includes services like video conferencing, advertising server integration, SMS/MMS and VoIP telephony - that makes it an attractive package for our customers."

Basis Audionet will showcase its newly released Communications Client at INTERNET TELEPHONY Conference & EXPO in Los Angeles, held September 16-18, 2008, booth 533. For additional information on Basis Audionet, please visit our Website at

About Basis Audionet

Basis Audionet is a global telecommunications leader, providing IP services to resellers, carriers, ISPs and MSOs. With a proven track record of success in IP, mobile, and land-line communications integration, the company provides solid system implementation expertise. Voice chat, FMC, signaling, switching, media gateway and application server solutions are just a few of the many areas in which Basis Audionet specializes. Offering a broad palette of customer relations management services, while combining core competencies in IT and value-added IP Communications solutions development, Basis Audionet is dedicated to excellence and committed to quality service, as your technology partner of choice.

Child-sex secret of the major and the divorcee; Archibald Wood: School governor with an evil secret life.

Byline: Beth Hale and Tom Kelly

A FORMER Army major and a teacher's wife were exposed yesterday asmembers of a child abuse ring in which young victims were offered for sex onthe Internet.

They subjected two 12- year-olds to an afternoon of abuse which left theyoungsters devastated.

Infant school governor Archibald Wood, 60, seemed a pillar of the community inthe Devon town of Tavistock.

On the other side of the country, Kent businesswoman Monica McCanch, 55, cut anequally respectable figure as the divorced wife of a grammar school teacher.

But behind closed doors the two were involved in an Internet plot to abuse twoyoung children.

They responded to a chatroom posting by Steven Horton, 44, who was looking forpaedophiles who wanted to 'educate' a boy and girl.

Details of their appalling crimes emerged yesterday after they pleaded guiltyto 41 child abuse offences with another 17 to be taken into consideration.

Horton's offences included child rape.

The trio met at a house in Fleet, Hampshire, and subjected the young boy andgirl to an ordeal lasting several hours. The abuse - thought to be one of thefirst cases where children have been offered on the Internet in this way - cameto light only when Horton's girlfriend discovered e-mails referring to childabuse on his computer.

She contacted Kent Police, who raided Horton's home in Sittingbourne, Kent.

They found child abuse pictures on his computer and also traced him tochatrooms where he had offered the children up for abuse. The elechad'Diabolical, sick people' tronic trail led to McCanch and Wood.

Police also found that Horton, a manager for an electrical distributioncompany, had arranged a second abuse session. But the man he was due to meet ata holiday camp in Rye, East Sussex, never arrived.

Horton still abused the girl, while the boy pretended to be ill and hid in atoilet for an hour.

Horton was arrested in October 2006, while Wood and McCanch were held thefollowing month.

Police found that all three hidden the abuse from their respective partners,who were all shattered by the discovery.

Twice-married Wood, who has grown-up children, was chairman of the board ofgovernors at Tavistock Community College and a governor at St Rumon's InfantsSchool.

As part of his role he had been trained in child protection issues.

An active member of the Liberal Democrats in Tavistock, he was heavily involvedin volunteer work.

But fellow governor Roger Matthew said Wood was an unpopular 'abrasive' man.

Horton, another former military man, is also divorced and lived with agirlfriend.

McCanch, of Ash, Kent, is understood to have been a family friend of Wood.

She is thought to be divorced from her husband Norman McCanch - a renownednaturalist who teaches biology and chemistry at a Kent grammar school.

The trio were due to be sentenced at Maidstone Crown Court yesterday, but thehearing was postponed until September 13 because cells below the court wereflooded.

Michelle Elliott of the children's charity Kidscape called the case 'anincredibly worrying development', allowing people who may not have acted aloneon their perverted fantasies to get together with other paedophiles and becomefar more dangerous.

She said: 'The Internet, for all its good, is becoming a powerful tool in thehands of these diabolical sick people.

'I hope they are given indeterminate sentences. Clearly they will be a dangerto children for the rest of their lives.' A third man arrested during theinvestigation is due in court on September 7..

Friday, February 24, 2012

Panda Software Releases Malware Radar, the First Automated Malware Audit Service.

GLENDALE, Calif., Feb. 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Taking steps to respond to the dramatic growth of malware, Panda Software announced the release of Malware Radar, a new automated malware audit service, which detects threats that slip past traditional solutions. Developed by Panda Software based on a "collective intelligence" approach, it achieves greater detection ratios than typical anti-malware solutions. During testing, this new tool detected malware in 76 percent of the networks audited, even though they had security solutions in place.

Malware Radar is designed to complement existing anti-malware solutions. Panda reported seeing a huge increase in malware in 2006. The problem posed by the huge growth in the amount of malware in circulation has been verified by PandaLabs and other security laboratories, as well as by industry analysts. PandaLabs identified more malware examples in 2006 than the cumulative numbers of the prior fifteen years total. Gartner forecasts that by the end of 2007, 75 percent of companies will be affected by targeted malware, which will have evaded their traditional perimeter and host defenses.

This dramatic increase is due to a change in motivation of malware creators, shifting from personal recognition to a criminal profit emphasis. According to PandaLabs, in 2006, 75 percent of the examples processed were designed for financial gain. Malware authors are generating a growing number of new examples and variants. Laboratories cannot cope, and tens of thousands of malware examples are not analyzed. As a result, users are vulnerable to them.

Panda's answer to this problem is to complement the security solutions already installed on desktops and servers with periodic malware audits. Malware Radar is the first automated audit service to seek out and eliminate malware that slips past the protection installed.

Malware Radar is developed by Panda Research based on a "collective intelligence" approach and housed in a network of datacenters (initially made up of approximately 100 servers). The pillars of this new system are:

   1) Collection of data from the community.  The system centrally collects      and stores behavioral patterns of programs, file traces, new malware      examples, etc.  This data comes from Panda users, and from other      companies and collaborators.  This wide capacity to collect information      provides higher visibility of the threats that are active in the      Internet.    2) Automated data processing.  The system automatically analyzes and      classifies the thousands of new samples received every day.  To do      this, an expert system correlates the data received from the community      with PandaLab's extensive malware knowledge base.  The system      automatically returns verdicts (malware or goodware) on the new files      received from the community, thereby reducing the tasks that PandaLabs      must carry out manually to a minimum.    3) Release of the knowledge extracted.  This knowledge in delivered to      users as web services or through signature file updates.   

According to Bruno Rodriguez, Director of the Malware Radar Business Unit, "the new centralized intelligence approach allows us to tackle an increasingly evident problem. Current products only detect a small part of the malware created every day. Through this new approach, Malware Radar allows us to detect more threats than if we scanned a network with various anti-malware solutions at the same time." He adds, "This is a very real situation. We encourage all administrators to see it for themselves by trying the Malware Radar service completely free."

Malware Radar can easily be configured and run from any network computer with an Internet connection and a web browser. As it is a web-based on-demand service, it does not need to be installed on every computer. Once the audit has started, the process is performed automatically and without intervention on the computers specified by the administrator.

Malware Radar is not only compatible with any anti-malware solution installed on the computers, but also complements them to improve network security. Furthermore, the service is transparent to the end-user and resource usage can be adapted to the administrator's preferences.

You can try the service, completely free or buy Malware Radar online from You can also get more information or buy the Panda Software service from your usual reseller or through Panda Software's sales network (

   For more information on Malware Radar, go to    About PandaLabs  

Since 1990, its mission has been to analyze new threats as rapidly as possible to keep our clients safe. Several teams, each specialized in a specific type of malware (viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, phishing, spam, etc.), work 24/7 to provide global coverage. To achieve this, they also have the support of TruPrevent(TM) Technologies, which act as a global early-warning system made up of strategically distributed sensors to neutralize new threats and send them to PandaLabs for in-depth analysis. According to, PandaLabs is currently the fastest laboratory in the industry in providing complete updates to users (more info at

CONTACT: Paul Velusamy of Panda Software, +1-818-543-6965,

Web site:

Web site:

Strange News Is Good News at

TAMARAC, Fla., Feb. 3 /PRNewswire/ -- Wars, scandals, weapons and disasters: There's nothing funny about the news these days. Well, not the nightly news, anyway. Lucky for millions of Web surfers, there's Dave's Daily (, where funny, strange and downright bizarre are the only prerequisites for a good news story.

The five-year-old site compiles the best news, video clips and photos from around the world and serves up fresh links each day. Hard news, it isn't.

Take the obscure AP story about burglars in New Mexico who broke into a high school and made off with 20 rifles used in ROTC drills, never realizing the rifles were little more than ceremonial props. Or the BBC News report about a guy in Scotland who was fined after his dog "fouled" the pavement, only to be cited for littering when he tore up the ticket in protest. Both are funny enough to make it to Dave's Daily. Nuclear weapons in Iran? Not so much.

Of course, Dave's Daily goes way beyond funny. There's also bizarre news -- as in the case of Washington, Pennsylvania, which has temporarily changed its name to Steeler, Pennsylvania to show which team it supports in Super Bowl XL -- and strange news, which differs from bizarre news by degrees of strangeness. Most photos, videos and news links are submitted by Dave's Daily viewers.

Perhaps humor is just what people are looking for in their daily dose of news. According to venerable Web site traffic and popularity tracking company Alexa(R), Dave's Daily is the 2,858th most visited site on the Internet as of Feb. 1, 2006. What's more, the site logs over one million page views daily.

"I started Dave's Daily back in December 2000 as just a small site to build an e-mail newsletter to spread funny, strange and bizarre news and pictures," explained Dave's Daily founder David Scott. "It started to grow and eventually turned into a full entertainment site."

In fact, the site now employs four people and is viewed every day in countries all over the world. In the case of Dave's Daily, it appears the old chestnut is true: Laugh and the world laughs with you.

   Contact:    David Scott   CyberClicks, Inc.   Tel: 954-827-2208   Fax: 954-827-0133   

This release was issued through eReleases(TM). For more information, visit

First Call Analyst: FCMN Contact:

CONTACT: David Scott, CyberClicks, Inc., +1-954-827-2208, Fax: +1-954-827-0133,

Web site:

Bankrate: CD Yields on the Long Road to Recovery.

Although the Federal Reserve has yet to boost interest rates, yields on many certificates of deposit have begun to rebound in anticipation of Fed rate hikes in the second half of 2004. The average two-year CD yield increased from 1.7 percent to 1.75 percent, and the average five-year CD yield increased from 2.99 percent to 3.06 percent in's weekly national survey of large depository institutions. While yields on maturities longer than one year are rising at a faster pace than shorter maturities, they are not yet a compelling investment option. Investors should favor maturities of one year and less, including money market accounts, and wait well into 2005 before considering longer maturities.

   (Logo: )           Deposit averages from's national CD survey            Money market account: 0.46%, unchanged from last week             6-month CD yield: 0.94%, unchanged from last week              1-year CD yield: 1.17%, up from 1.13% last week              5-year CD yield: 3.06%, up from 2.99% last week   

"Average yields for CDs with one-year or longer maturities have been rising by five or six basis points a week," said senior writer Laura Bruce, who covers savings for Bankrate. "Still, you'd have to buy a five-year CD to beat inflation, and the return really isn't worth tying up funds that long. The point is, rates do appear to have begun the long-awaited upward trend."

Investors can do much better than the average by using's rate tables to shop nationwide for their FDIC-insured money market accounts and certificates of deposit. This week, found six institutions yielding at least 2 percent on money market accounts. also found ten institutions paying at least 1.8 percent APY on six-month CDs, and nine institutions paying at least 2.2 percent on one-year CDs. All yields are available nationally to customers who do not have an existing relationship with the institution. conducts two surveys each week for money market accounts and CDs:

    * The 100 Highest Yields survey is conducted weekly to find the highest-      yielding CD and money market accounts available to consumers      nationwide.    * also conducts a weekly national CD survey, which compiles      the rates from the largest banks and thrifts in each of the 10 largest      U.S. markets to arrive at a national average.   

To see data from Bankrate's 100 Highest Yields survey, go to and click on "CD/Savings."

About Bankrate, Inc.

Bankrate, Inc. owns and operates, the Internet's leading consumer banking marketplace. averages 5 million unique visitors per month, according to comScore Media Metrix, which ranks first in unique visitors in the "Financial Information and Advice" category. reviews more than 4,800 financial institutions in more than 300 markets in 50 states. is a destination site of personal finance channels, including banking, investing, taxes and small business finance. It is the leading aggregator of more than 250 financial products, including mortgages, credit cards, new and used auto loans, money market accounts and CDs, checking and ATM fees, home equity loans and online banking fees. provides financial applications and information to a network of more than 75 partners, including Yahoo! , America Online , The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times .'s information is also distributed through more than 100 national and state publications. The Company's stock is included in the Russell 3000 Index and the Russell 2000 Index.

    For more information contact:    Paula Sirois, PR for Bankrate, Inc.    561-630-2400 x1499  

CONTACT: Paula Sirois, PR for Bankrate, Inc., +1-561-630-2400 ext. 1499,

Web site:

Data management company and medical institute selected as grant recipients.

2004 NOV 12 - ( & -- Quantros, Inc., and the West Virginia Medical Institute (WVMI) have been selected as recipients of a "Transforming Healthcare Quality Through Information Technology- Implementation Grant" from the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).

Quantros and WVMI applied for the grant in partnership with the West Virginia Hospital Association, the West Virginia State Office of Rural Health, and Verizon.

The grant was awarded to implement electronic event reporting in 24 or more rural hospitals, including at least six critical access hospitals (CAHs). This grant effectively expands on a 2-year pilot project between the West Virginia Medical Institute (WVMI) and Quantros.

According to Quantros CEO and President, Sanjaya Kumar. MD, "Receiving such an important grant from AHRQ not only allows WVMI and it's affiliates to expand their important quality and patient safety work, it is validation that the Quantros solution is viable in terms of functionality in a real-world situation," he said. "WVMI has really lived up to its mission of squarely addressing quality and patient safety issues and as such they and their patients have been rewarded by an equally visionary agency," he continued.

The 2-year pilot program between Quantros and WVMI took shape after the U.S. Institute of Medicine issued its landmark report, To Err is Human, which found in two separate studies that 3-4% of hospital patients suffered an adverse event due to a medical error, and that 9-14% of these adverse events lead to death.

In both studies, over half of the adverse events resulted from errors that could have been prevented. This prompted WVMI to convene a meeting of West Virginia Hospital leaders to propose that they systematically collect, analyze and provide feedback of medical error and event data from West Virginia hospitals.

The pilot program, using Quantros Safety & Risk Solution, would make available to rural West Virginia hospitals this Internet-based medical error reporting system and provide administrators of each individual rural hospital access to error reports in "real time;" so that each hospital could aggregate its own data to implement patient safety improvement projects. The long-term strategy was to encourage all hospitals in West Virginia to use event reporting information to discover and mitigate conditions that might result in patient injury by providing a robust working model.

Over the 2 years, the pilot program substantially met it goals. Of the initial six rural hospitals that participated in this voluntary, confidential medical error reporting system, administrators from those institutions reported an increase in the number of errors being reported and employees felt that their input had been important. One hospital reported a 75% increase in the number of reports over an 8-month period. Participating hospitals reported numerous improvements in care processes resulting from systematic application of event data that reach 5,200 individual cases.

"We are pleased that AHRQ recognized what we've been able to accomplish thus far and is supporting its expansion with this very important grant," John Brehm, MD, WVMI's chief medical officer, said. "This project can bring about real improvements in the care provided to our state's rural population."

Dr. Sanjaya Kumar, chief medical officer at Quantros, suggested, "This is also important on the commercial side as well. The funding will allow us to refine our product by giving us the resources to further drive R&D by having the Quantros Risk & Safety Solution used more widely in hospitals," he said. "For Quantros, this is a strong statement to the healthcare community that we are clearly leading the way nationally in this area and willing to invest in pilots like these to establish quality and patient safety industry leadership," he continued.

Quantros, Inc., offers Web-based healthcare quality and data management applications. The West Virginia Medical Institute (WVMI) is a not for profit physician-sponsored organization that works nationally to improve health care.

The AHRQ is a branch of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. As a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, it is the lead federal agency on quality research.

This article was prepared by Drug Week editors from staff and other reports. Copyright 2004, Drug Week via &