Friday, March 2, 2012

Fed: Amensty says govt should reflect on human rights

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Amensty says govt should reflect on human rights

SYDNEY, Dec 10 AAP - The Australian government should reflect on its "tarnished" human
rights record as the world today acknowledged International Human Rights Day, Amnesty
International said.

Amnesty International Australia president Russell Thirgood said Australia's proud human
rights history had been tarnished by the incarceration of children in immigration detention

Mr Thirgood said Australia would be placed under unprecedented international scrutiny
should it assume the presidency of next year's UN Human Rights Commission.

"Australia's proud record on human rights will remain tarnished for as long as we keep
children fleeing repressive regimes behind razor wire instead of giving them our protection,"

he said in a statement.

Australia was a member of the eight-nation committee responsible for drafting the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights which was adopted by the world's governments 55 years ago

"On this day, when we are reminded of our responsibility to respect the human rights
of all, Amnesty International repeats its call to the Australian government to release
all children from detention centres without delay."

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