Thursday, March 1, 2012

Vic: Crackdown on kerb crawlers but red light bill shelved

Vic: Crackdown on kerb crawlers but red light bill shelved

Plans to fine kerb crawlers in Melbourne's prostitution hot spot of St Kilda will stillgo ahead despite a decision to shelve legislation creating tolerance zones and a safetyhouse sex centre for street sex workers.

The Victorian government has backed away from introducing the controversial bill inthe next session of parliament following a meeting with Port Phillip Council last night.

Acting Premier JOHN THWAITES and Attorney-General ROB HULLS maintain the legislationwill eventually go ahead, although neither can give a timeframe.

Mr THWAITES says they'll be going ahead with on-the-spot fines for gutter crawlersbecause there's been a real problem with getting convictions in court.

In relations tolerance zones, Mr THWAITES denies the problem has been put back in thetoo hard basket.

Port Phillip Council last night withdrew four shortlisted tolerance zone sites, sayingit wants more time to consult police and residents.

The United St Kilda Traders and Residents Group says it's concerned the move will merelydelay the process until after the state election, due any time from late November.

AAP RTV clr/gfr/rp


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