Thursday, March 1, 2012

NSW: Parkinson's, Alzheimer's disease groups welcome research

NSW: Parkinson's, Alzheimer's disease groups welcome research

SYDNEY, April 4 AAP - Federal plans to allow stem cell research on surplus IVF embryoswas welcomed today by groups representing Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease sufferers.

Both groups warned however, that cures for these illness were a long way off.

Parkinson's NSW president Peter McWilliam welcomed the federal government's proposedguidelines on stem cell research but said a breakthrough on curing diseases like Parkinson'swas still at least five years away.

Mr McWilliam, who was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease 10 years ago, said: "We havegot to be happy that some research has been allowed, obviously we don't like there tobe any constraints.

"We don't expect a cure to be found in the next couple of years."

The Alzheimer's Association of Australia also welcomed the announcement today, providedethical guidelines and oversight were in place.

"We welcome the approach and look forward to playing a constructive part in the waythe policies develop," said national executive director Glenn Rees.

Mr Rees said while the move offered hope to sufferers of Alzheimer's disease and otherforms of dementia, it was too early to say whether it meant a cure was on the way.

"We don't want people to anticipate that this means that there will be prevention orcure for a tomorrow," he said.

However, he said expert advice suggested the potential was great.

Mr McWilliam, now 59, was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 1992 but in hindsighthe says the symptoms probably started in 1975.

He had to retire from his job at the Reserve Bank of Australia because of the degenerativemuscle spasms, which medication has failed to control.

AAP gmw/js/arb/mg/de


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